Monday, June 11, 2007

Balenciaga Fall Winter 2007

Balenciaga's fall winter collection is an ornate display of multi-cultural ism and masculinity. The robotic movement of the models (due to platform stilettos) only intensified the harsh, boxy cuts. Applying layer upon layer of intricacy, the collection was pieced together in surprisingly subdued showman ship, accentuating a sleek wear ability.

Symbolism for the collection requires patience to uncover. Yet, there it was, glaring at me from an icy brow. The line equates to the corruption of education. The shapes, scarves, makeup, movement, etc act as evidence. The androgyny and absent variation of the first twenty pieces is a throwback to the infamous uniform many elementary schools, including mine, forced the students to wear. A strenuous education has negative side effects, side effects personified within the line. The makeup and movement of the models signifies a uniformity and absence of creativity, a school that churns out cultured students on a leash vastly more uncomfortable than the pictured shoes.
Balenciaga created fresh and unseen shapes through masculinity and Scandinavian prints.

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